Update on Floods in Central America

This week, the World Hunger Fund generously approved a grant of CDN $20,000 to help World Accord’s partners accompany communities devastated by floods in Central America to reconstruct.

In October we reported that parts of Central America had experienced unprecedented rain storms; storms that at one point covered 90% of El Salvador with flood waters.

Our partners in that country as well as in Honduras and Guatemala have continued to assist some of the thousands of people who lost their homes and livelihoods to these storms. These new funds will help Mujeres en Accion (Guatemala) and ADCASMUS in (El Salvador) assist 350 farming families. The corn and bean crops these families lost, were their main source of food and income. This assistance will help them stay on the farm and begin to grow food again. Our partner in Honduras, PAG, will use a share of the funds to help isolated families with start-up kits, and to assist communities in to rebuild essential infrastructure.

World Accord and its partners gratefully aknowledge the generous support of the World Hunger Fund and all of the other friends who expressed their solidarity with the people of Central America.