Association of Local Agricultural Technology Transfer Committees of Lake Yojoa (ASOCIALAYO) – Honduras

ASOCIALAYO is a dynamic community-based organization that is transforming rural communities in a sustainable way. They work hand-in-hand with smallholder families, promoting holistic development through the implementation of appropriate technologies and sustainable agriculture practices. By leveraging community-based organizational structures, ASOCIALAYO is empowering communities to take charge of their own development. Through the Local Agricultural Research Committee (CIAL), they are developing projects related to local seeds and their management, ensuring that crops are tolerant to pests and diseases and that the seeds are superior to “conventional” ones. This means that smallholder producers are able to produce high-quality crops that are both healthy and sustainable, improving their livelihoods and contributing to food security in the region. ASOCIALAYO’s commitment to gender equality is also remarkable. They have established a gender equality strategy that promotes the participation of both men and women without discrimination of creed, race, age, or gender. This inclusive approach is critical to the success of their work and ensures that everyone in the community has a voice and a role to play in building a better future.