Stories of Transformation with ADCASMUS – Part 3
Aida’s Story: Aida Guzmán, small business owner and single mother of four
Aida Guzmán was also the recipient of a microcredit loan, provided by ADCADMUS. As a single mother of four children, two girls and two boys, Aida chose to invest her loan into the purchase and sale of cosmetic products. This brought Aida significant financial return, as she was able to start loaning money to her clients in turn. Her earnings covered her family’s household expenses, and enabled her to meet her children’s needs.
That’s Aida on the left with others from her micro-credit group.
Concrete examples can be seen through the renovations Aida achieved in her home, and the progress her children made in their education. One of Aida’s sons managed to complete his secondary school education, and subsequently, obtain a bachelor’s degree. This made way for him to begin working, and accordingly, contribute to the household income. Aida’s daughters, on the other hand, progressed in their studies as well. In due time, they plan on following in their brother’s footsteps by pursuing their tertiary education as well. As for the family home, Aida was able to improve it by having a new bedroom built and a floor installed. Prior to such renovations, the living conditions were
difficult and unhygienic, as the home possessed only bare earth for a floor. The revenue Aida earned from her small business, therefore, gave her the means to improve her family’s standard of living. Further, she was able to achieve all of this, while fighting breast cancer. Hence, Aida’s story is a reminder that anything is surmountable, including the challenges of the present times.