One story of impact in Guatemala
This Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for? Here is one story of a thankful program participant in Guatemala.
Ciriaca Ajin Bala is a program participant from the Chirijuyu community in Tecpán. She is a strong and hardworking entrepreneur and very dedicated to her community. She also produces textile crafts of high quality such as hand-woven güipiles. Pronounced “we peel”, that is the beautiful and very colourful blouse Ciriaca is wearing in this photo.

“Ciriaca hard at work on her business.”
Years ago, she only sold in the Tecpán market but with time and her judicious use of microcredits, she managed to hire more people and offer additional products. This in turn created jobs for other individuals in her community who now sell from their homes. Indeed, they no longer need to trade in the market but instead can buy the crafts as well as inputs from each other’s households. That way they know their purchases are of superior quality. She also managed to grow her trade by expanding to the neighboring community; thus generating two additional businesses. She is very thankful for World Accord’s support through Mujeres en Acción and the support she received with access to microcredits and training sessions.
Moreover, she was encouraged because she found alternative sources of employment and a better life for herself and her family. Finally, Ciriaca is a role model in her community and demonstrates that financial empowerment can be achieved when one can access the resources one needs.
The support of caring donors like you made this success a possibility for Ciriaca. With your support we can help thousands of other hardworking Guatemalan women with the resources they need to become empowered like Ciriaca. At World Accord we are thankful to have such incredible and caring supporters. Thank you for your contribution to our cause of cultivating communities that thrive.