We aim to enhance social and economic empowerment of women and girls, especially from Dalit and most vulnerable groups. We will achieve this ultimate outcome by bringing a human rights-based approach to economic and social growth – focusing on climate change adaptation, enhanced performance of micro/small-scale enterprises, increased access to the products and services required by these enterprises, as well as on the social empowerment of women and girls enabling them to effectively engage in their communities.

This approach will strengthen their aspirations, confidence, decision-making autonomy, and leadership while also promoting a strong sense of community inclusion and sisterhood. We expect that this will result in positive choices, allowing women and girls to increase their enjoyment of their human rights. Furthermore, capacity-building by our local partners will enable them to increase women’s and girls’ participation and leadership in community decision-making while better promoting and advancing human rights and gender equality.

Support the program

This project aligns with Global Affairs Canada’s commitments to FIAP, particularly through supporting efforts to reduce sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) and strengthening women’s organizations that advance women’s rights. It contributes to increasing women’s access to economic opportunities and resources. Thus, women and girls will be able to achieve the economic independence they need to take control of their lives while working to end gender discrimination by promoting and protecting human rights and building stronger institutions. Strategic and complementary partnerships equally play a key role in ensuring sustainability with the partner community organizations working alongside the national one and reinforcing each other’s capacities. We will also implement this project with other key stakeholders such as government officials from local to national levels including the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, women’s and youth organizations, leaders, etc.

Additionally, RENEW aligns well with the Sustainable Development Goals, chiefly those pertaining to gender equality (5), reducing inequality (10), inclusion (16), partnerships (17) in addition to no poverty (1), zero hunger (2), improving access to financial services and benefits (8) and climate action (13). RENEW equally contributes to advancing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women which Nepal ratified in 1981 and the Optional Protocol to the Convention which was ratified in 2007. INSEC also advocates using the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights which was ratified in 1991. Finally, this project supports the Paris Accord which “Nepal highlights as a living instrument meant for serious implementation, in tandem with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.