Virtual Garden Tour Fundraiser
(Note the Extended Dates Below)
We are all in this Covid – 19 storm together, but not in the same boat. For many of us, our boat has a comfortable roof over it (with A/C and heat); the cupboards are stocked with food, and take-out supper is around the corner. Our hospitals stand pandemic ready. We now have a supply of PPE to keep our frontline workers safe (so they can take care of us). Our government has offered financial aid to most. We are at best, inconvenienced by this storm.
In contrast, if you live in Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the world, which is experiencing outbreaks of both COVID-19 and dengue fever (transmitted by mosquitos) they are in the same storm, but they are not in the same boat.
Sadly, it’s the poorest countries that are most in need before an event such as a pandemic; who unfortunately suffer the most in its aftermath. The people of Honduras are at best, surviving.
Covid – 19 has had an alarming impact on our charitable sector, both at home and abroad.
Many of the global fundraising events needed to help operate these charities, have been cancelled indefinitely.
Before the pandemic hit, we were in the early stages of planning another Dare to Dance event. It was to mirror our successful fundraiser event at the Linwood community centre in 2017; an event that so many of you helped make possible. Sadly, this year we can’t gather and dance the night away.
However, we are hoping that you will still help the people of Honduras by participating in a virtual garden tour.
Here’s How It Works:
There are two ways to participate and help the children of HOnduras.
1. Gardeners enter photos or short video clips of their garden(s) in one of 3 categories. As chosen by our garden expert, a grand prize winner will receive $100 cash & a beautiful garden plaque. First Place winners will receive a plaque. Second and third place winners will receive prizes.
Plaques & Prizes will be presented at a socially distanced garden party on September 13 (Covid-19 permitting).
2. Not a gardener, but would like to still help us out with a donation? Consider going on a virtual tour of the most stunning and creative garden entries. We welcome your comments as you navigate through the tour. Please go to the Virtual Tour Fundraiser World Accord and ask for an invite…we would be happy to have you! Or email for more info.

Flower Garden

Patios, Pools
and Planters

Exotic and
Rare Plants
To Enter:
Please Email:
Please include your name, address, phone number and your garden photos or video.
A donation of $20, 50, $100 or other amount is greatly appreciated.
Contests Begins – Wednesday, July 7
Entries Close – Monday, August 31, 5:00 p.m.
This will be a judged event. Judging Ends – Friday, Sept 4, 5:00 p.m.
Winners Posted – Monday, September 7, 5:00 p.m.
If you need help with photographing your garden, please contact
By entering this contest; the contestant agrees that their name and image can be used on the World Accord website, and promotional materials during the contest period.

Check the facebook group above to see entries already submitted.