Pakistan Flood Update # 6: Thank You

World Accord thanks our friends for the donations made to our appeal for Pakistan Flood Relief. Thanks to your support World Accord will contribute a minimum of $6,716.05 to Insan Foundation’s emergency response work. As described in previous blogs, Insan will use these funds to purchase emergency hygiene and safety kits focusing on the needs of women and children. All of the donations received before October 3rd, 2010 will be matched by the Federal government for its Pakistan Flood Relief Fund.
We are grateful to everyone who supported the Pakistan Flood Relief effort. We want to celebrate in particular groups and inviduals who came together to raise funds. Among them, Vickie MacArthur and the Spirit in Motion yoga class (Calgary) who gathered to offer sun salutations as prayers for the people of Pakistan; Anna Jean Bradley and and her daughters, Emily and Glynnie, who collected donations and donated their tips at Mimi‘s in Wiarton, Ontario; and highschool students at Havergal College in Toronto who did henna painting to raise funds.
The actions big and small of these folks and many others remind us of our connection to each another, and affirm that everyone can make a difference in the life of another – no matter how far away. “This is for us a very invaluable support,” said Kishwar Sultana, Insan’s executive director, “…an example of love and magnanimity of the Canadian people.”