Help Requested for Pakistan

We just received this request from our partners in Pakistan – INSAN foundation. They will be focusing their relief efforts on Women and Girls. Read on to see why.
Pakistan sees the worst flood in its history as more than 16 million of its people have lost their business, crops, homes and/or livestock and are now become abolute poor. We have lost about 4 % of our national GDP, lives of more than 2000 people – mostly women and children – one million livestock and 100 % crops in just three weeks time. In some districts, including Nowshera and Charsadda, about 80 % of houses are completely washed away by this super flood. Nowshera, Charsadda, Swat and Kalam districts are some of the most affected among those which have only a few roads left.
In Swat, one million people are homeless. This district was already undergoing a process of recovery due to the crisis after the military operation against Taliban two years ago. Kalam is just cut off from the rest of the country with almost all bridges washed away. About 5,000 people move from Kalam everyday, try to build bridges and roads by using wood. In Swat, 26 small and large bridges have been destroyed. Both these districts are without electricity supply for more than 15 days.
In this present situation, food, shelter, health and water are primary concern of the response work being undertaken by a group of NGOs and INGOs.
Insan Foundation Trust has conducted a rapid assessment of the situation both in North and South part of the country and has concluded that unhyginenic conditions, cold, heat and fear have combined together to form a greater threat for women than all others. In this particular case and those of the past, our assessment confirms the realization that women’s needs are specific, not properly understood by male community (who are mostly incharge) and often unattended.
Women and Girls’ Specific Need
Our assessment tells us that in darkness, women and girl children run a high risk of getting sexually assaulted, mothers are unable to properly feed infants, they cannot go to washroom because of fear of snake bites, sexual abuse and harassment, they cannot properly give medication to sick family members, especially infants, and children and they are unable to find material for specific needs especially related to menstruation and personal clealiness.
The proportion of danger is even greater for those women and families who are on the mountains and have lost their homes completely. In this environment of constant fear, cold, immobility and lack of hygiene related material, skin diseases and hypothermia are likely to skyrocket. Hypothermia is one of the greates challenges also because it is extremely cold up there. So, in order to meet the challenges of GBV (Gender Based Violence), cold and disease, women need protection mechanisms from GBV, hygiene related material and blankets.
In the present crises, IFT has decided to go with a support on early recovery side as we did in 2005 when earthquake hit Pakistan. We now plan to distribute solar lights, hygiene kits, blankets (north side) and solar fans (south side).
The solar lights are chargeable in open environment, without the need of clear sunlight. If charged for 12 hours, these can be used for more than 6 hours, and its best use would be in the night.
Similarly, hygiene kits are on the lower side of the supply in relief work and women remain in the constant need of this. Children are usually their responsibility in the local culture and in the absence of hygiene material, children are likely to suffer more. Sickness in disasters add to the burden of women’s role as mothers and sisters.
Blankets are also important though they are being supplied through national and international response. However, the scale is so big that more and more blankets will be needed to suffice the need of one million people.
Similarly, solar fans are of immense value in Southren part of the country. Here, the heat wave would continue to exist for about next two months and humidity, flood water and filth is likely to produce more mosquitoes than ever.
Estimated Budget
Following costs are per package consisting of the material mentioned above. One package is good for 1 woman and 3 daugthers/sisters.
North Side Recovery Package
Rupees. 15,000 or $183 CAN
Blanket, Hygiene Kit and Solar Light
South Side Recovery Package
Rupees. 18,000 or $220 CAN
Solar Fan, Solar Light and Hygiene Kit
If YOU want to help, click on the “Donate Now” button here and designate your donation to:
Pakistan Flood Relief
Thank you!
Peace and Blessings
David Barth
Executive Director